Registration is a 2-step process:
Use this link to pay for your Swim Team Dues (pricing below).
Register your kids at the DSC Swimtopia website with the Team Management software. A $3 registration fee per child built into the price. You will receive confirmation emails once registered.​
$78.00 / One child ($75 +$3 reg fee)
$136.00 / Two children ($75+ $55 + 6 reg fee)
$179.00 / Three or more children. ($75+ $55+ $40+9 reg. fee)
if you have 3+ children they can all join at this rate.
Swimmers must be a DSC member.
Ages 5 - 18 (as of June 1, 2024)
Swimmers are required to wear goggles for practice and competition.
Team swim suits are not required for meets.
Due to BoH regulations, we are unable to use starting blocks and, per PPSL, will use "deck starts".
*PRACTICE BEGINS Tuesday, May 28
Please note: practice times will depend on registration and the amount of kids on the team.
No practice on July 4.
SWIM TEAM: Monday through Thursday:
Tentatively: 9 AM to 11 AM
Once number of kids is determined the times will be split. About 45 minutes of practice per age group.
Please arrive 10 minutes before practice to be ready to jump in the water and maximize our pool time. Bring Goggles, towels, shoes, and swim caps to practice.​
May 22: Meet the Coaches; 6:30-7:30 @ Cabana 1. Swimville will be there for suit try ons and purchases, or order by phone at 859-441-7946 or online.
June 7: Fun event during practice
June 21: Fun event during practice
July 5: Fun event during practice (Tentative)
June 6: HOME vs. Clifton Meadows
June 13: @ Overhill w/ North Hills
June 20: HOME vs. Oak Hills / Orchard Meadows
June 27: @ Oak Hills w/ Three Rivers
July 2: @ Shady lane
2024 Swim Coaches
Elena Dean and Kristin Bizaillon will coach all age groups this season. Both have helped assist in past seasons and we're excited to have them back as Head coaches.

Swim Team Volunteers:
To provide the best experience for swim team we rely on volunteers. Consider joining our swim club team to help the kids get the most out of their summer!
Swim Meets are run and judged by volunteers and are the success behind our DSC Stingrays Team! Each meet requires the following volunteers, and we are happy to teach you how to help.
Volunteer Coordinator: Send weekly reminders and secure volunteers for all positions.
Bake Sale Coordinator: Send reminders and coordinate sales for the 2 'hosted' meets (June 8 and June 29).
Clerk of Course: Assist with helping young swimmers to their events.
Timer: 1 timer per lane needed (typically split w/ 1st and 2nd half of the meet).
Stroke Judge: 2 per meet: Assist with verifying correct swim stroke technique.
Turn Judge: 2 per meet: Assist with verifying correct execution of swim turn and touch.
Runner: deliver timing supplies to the meet management table.
Ribbon Table: assist with placing printed labels on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Best Effort ribbons.
Meet Manager and Asst.: Enter times into meet software, reading times, printing